BUSINESS PLAN of innovative project of the 7th wave of innovation “Molecular Generator of Andrus – MGA”

“The innovative and scientific form of activity differs both in terms of resource base and objectives. The basis of scientific practice is intellectual potential. The resources of the innovation process are people-innovators, their knowledge, vision, technical and technological solutions, that is, what, by and large, is the result of scientific activity. The goal of science is to produce qualitatively new knowledge, while the purpose of innovation is the commercial use of gained knowledge and found solutions.”

Sultanov Iskander, Founder of

In this project, there are the complete interconnection of science – intellectual potential and people-innovators. They’re one and the same people.

  1. Project summary.

1.1. The essence of the project

Molecular generator of Andrus – MGA will obviate owners of mobile phones and other gadgets from constant recharging of their power supplies (batteries). From the standpoint of advanced science, the solution is at a subatomic level, and it is found.

It turned out that the scientific and technical solution for low-power MGA-3W can become the basis for kilowatt power supplies MGA-20kW, MGA-150kW due to the summation of low-power MGA. Thus, it becomes possible to provide apartments and private houses with their own power sources in the form of simple “boxes” filled with harmless materials, as well as provide electric vehicles with power sources that do not require recharging in the form of “boxes” individually tailored for the car.

The goal of the project is obvious and understandable for everyone, but unlike all other projects, even space projects, it requires tools and specialists that have never been used in production processes before. This is a major drawback of this project, as it is very expensive for the period of creating technologies and sample goods. Specialists of such level work in BSA Ltd, there are theoretical models. There are also practical confirmations of the theory – this is video “The Visit of European Scientists. Scientific Conference 2013” (, where the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences V.Petrik demonstrates his experiences to the European scientists of high rank, and our researches with higher voltage results – up to 6V relative to 0.06 V in the experiments of V.Petrik.

In this video it is visible, at what high level there is scientific findings, after all neither the Author V.Petrik, nor the European scientists couldn’t even make an assumption about the mechanism of this phenomenon. The fact of such molecular generation of electricity is officially established. Information about MGA is known around the world and American universities picked up our ideas and started to put forward their own ideas, see, for example, In China, the joint Chinese-Ukrainian research Institute is engaged in the creation of MGA. For 1.5 years, scientists have not advanced a single step, not even able to repeat the experiments of V. Petrik.

At the same time, they have practically unlimited financing and the most powerful electronic scanning microscope TITAN THEMIS Z for $ 27,000,000. BSA Ltd has spawned this scientific and technical race for fuel-free technologies of power generation and has no right to lose it, because has the most advanced science, which has no competitors, but does not have financial capabilities. The intermediary in Ukraine sells the standard TITAN THEMIS Z with delivery, installation and maintenance for 3 years for $ 15,000,000.

The price of the electron microscope TITAN THEMIS Z – $ 12,969,600 on a commercial offer in Ukraine + $ 2,000,000 for delivery, installation, commissioning and maintenance.

For the installation of the microscope TITAN THEMIS Z it requires special land with low vibration in Kiev, such places are defined, and on them it need to build special premises (issue price is more than $5,000,000) + construction of engineering and household complex with laboratories (about $7,000,000) – only $12,000,000 .

$15,000,000 + $12,000,000 = $27,000,000.

Information on the electron microscope TITAN THEMIS Z

Commercial proposal on microscope TITAN THEMIS Z

“Мелитэк-Украина ” Ltd

03067, Kiev, blvd. Ivan Lepse, 4, building 1, office 308

Tel (044) 454-05-90, fax: (044) 454-05-95



Excerpt from a email message of 11.01.2017

“The cost of the microscope you are requesting in full packaging arrangement is about 10,808,000.00 Euro ($ 13,000,000)”

Technical characteristics of electron microscope TITAN THEMIS Z  (see Themis_Z_Datasheet.pdf, p.2)

Image corrector 0.8 eV 70 pm 136 pm
Probe corrector 0.8 eV 100 pm 60 pm
Probe + image corrector 0.8 eV 70 pm 60 pm
X-FEG/monochromator double

corrected (probe + image corrector)

0.2-0.3 eV* 60 pm 60 pm

* Depending on energy filter option.

Note: All specifications are at 300 kV.

BSA Ltd undertakes to develop a technological process for the production of MGA using a TITAN THEMIS Z microscope and to manufacture three commercial MGA samples for three years. In three years or earlier, three technologies and three MGA samples will be sold at tendering (Internet auction) at a starting price of $ 500,000,000 each.


1.2. Brief description and purpose of the innovative (scientific and technical) product, its main technical parameters.


Technical characteristics of MGA.

The project provides for three types of MGA, differing in their electric power:

  • MGA-3W, 5V for powering gadgets without recharging;
  • MGA-20kW, 230V for power supply of apartments and private houses;
  • MGA-150kW, 400V as power sources for electric vehicles and other vehicles.

A molecular generator is a multilayer sandwich made of plates of different materials, which, under the action of the magnetic field of the Earth, in particular its magnetic field lines (MFL), that cross the flakes of thermografite (graphene), produces electricity like a conventional machine generator, only in our case, there is movement of MFL, not the rotor. The total length of the conductors-flake, for example, in the MGA-3W can reach 60 meters, located at different angles to the MFL (see Fig.1)

The average life of the MGA is 10 years.

All materials are environmentally friendly and decompose naturally in nature or reused.

In an apartment or a private house everything is transferred to electricity, including heating, hot water, stove in the kitchen.

MGA-20kW at an approximate price of $ 6,000 pays off for 1 year. For another year, you raise funds for the next MGA and live for 8 years without paying for heating, hot water and electricity. Nobody forbids the work of the MGA after 10 years.

1.3.Short list of costs when creating an innovative product.

The principles of projects to create such final products are the same as in the whole world – it is science towns of NASA type, academic towns and others with the structure:

– Separate inhabited locality;

– Intelligence agencies and paramilitary security;

– All equipment is concentrated in one place;

– All developers and specialists are concentrated in one place and can work 24 hours a day.

We are a private structure that needs to create its «NASA» on electron-microscope-friendly lands (without vibrations within acceptable limits) and to ensure the secrecy of the developments. We nothing cannot take on lease, in principle, because for a relatively large amount of money the lessor will sell everything without blinking an eye. To protect secrecy with arms in hand, it is necessary to have private property. The level of scientific findings is so high that security and secrecy of objects come to the fore, because the investor should be confident in the return of his funds, and we should be confident in that our long-term work is not in vain.

1. Whole complex of works related with the microscope TITAN THEMIS Z $27,000,000
2. Electro technical laboratory and laboratory of materials and products $4,000,000
3. Accommodation for specialists, located close to three laboratories (within walking distance), for the possibility to work around the clock $8,000,000
4. Financially maintenance of about 100 employees within three years $21,000,000
5. Purchase of vehicles for laboratories and specialists $700,000
6. Purchase of various expendables $1,900,000
7. Payment to the design organizations on infrastructure and reequipment of power supply, water supply and sewerage $600,000
8. Payment for works on these projects $1,700,000
9. Design and construction of the advertising department $500,000
10. Payment for IT-services for the preparation and organization of auctions in 20 languages in conjunction with the translation bureau $1,000,000
11. Payment for translations into 20 languages of all technical documentation $400,000
12. Medical center for the maintenance of 100 or more workers with a small pharmacy and a small number of medical personnel up to 10 people, the ambulance car for emergencies (for two projects) $3,200,000
TOTAL AMOUNT: $70,000,000


1.4. The payback period and other performance parameters of the project

The payback period is exactly the period for which technologies and sample goods will be developed, i.e. about three years, plus the time of a one-time sale at an auction.

In total, about three years.

Profitability index PI = 2100%.

1.5. Brief information about the company.

Company Name BSA Ltd
Description Scientific-industrial production of technologies and equipment for fuel-free electricity industry
Industry Energy and Environment
Date company was founded May 2006
Country Ukraine
Postal address 106/2, prosp. Holosiivs’kyi, Kyiv, 03127
Contact person / persons 1. CEO of BSA Ltd Sergey Skorodumov, mob.: +38(050)3281909

2. CFO of BSA Ltd Dmitriy Belan, mob.: +38(050)8555178

3. Scientific director of BSA Ltd Valeriy Andrus

1.6. Team of project.

  1. CEO of BSA Ltd Sergey Skorodumov
  2. CFO of BSA Ltd Dmitriy Belan
  3. Scientific director of BSA Ltd Valeriy Andrus
  4. 25 specialists in various scientific and technical fields (initial staff).

1.7. The implementation strategy of the project.

One-time sales of technologies and samples of MGA at tendering (Internet auction) at a starting price of $500,000,000 each.

Three MGA – $1,500,000,000.

1.8. The amount of funding requested and its form.

  1. A loan of $ 70,000,000 with a three-year grace period of 10 years with an annual interest rate of not more than 10%, with the right of early repayment at full interest payment.
  2. We are also will satisfied with small loans from $ 1,000,000 with a three-year grace period of 10 years with an annual interest rate of not more than 10%, with the right to early repayment with full interest payment.
  3. The share of ownership of BSA Ltd for the project with the MGA is 26% – it is $1 500 000 000·26%/100% = $ 390,000,000 when selling at starting prices, i.е. is minimal. Further after the start of sales of ERCR-50, the annual profit of the investor in the MGA will be $ 780 million as the owner of a 26% share in BSA Ltd of profits for 10 blocks of ERCR-50 per year – $ 3,000,000,000 (see the information below).
  4. The value of 49% of ownership of the BSA Ltd is $130,000,000. You can also purchase shares of ownership of BSA Ltd starting from $1,000,000 – it is 0.377%:

$130,000,000 – 49%

$1,000,000  – x

X = $1,000,000·49%/$130,000,000 = 0.377%.

From the first sales of technologies and products (3 samples of MGA and 1 block of reactor ERCR-50) after three years the investor – owner of 49% of ownership will receive the first profit in the amount of:

and the owner of the minimum share of 0.377% – respectively

And then annually the profit from 10 blocks of ERCR-50 for the owner of 49% will be

Respectively, the owner of 0.377% –

  1. The contracts will specify all the terms of the transaction (send your suggestions)

For information:

The share of the property of BSA Ltd in 23% is reserved for the project “Electric Reactor based on a chain reaction with a thermal capacity of 50 MW – ERCR-50.


1.9. Plan of repayment of borrowed funds and payment of remuneration.

Immediately after the sale of each sample MGA at the auction.

1.10. Guarantees.

  1. Investments will be mainly put in capital facilities, equipment and wages, which is easily controlled.
  2. Auction sales will be conducted together with the investor, and under his supervision the remuneration will be transferred to his account.
  3. The implementation of the project itself is based on the science and intellect of its developers, and here the guarantee is 100%.

Information on the 7th waves of innovation

The 7th wave of innovation is technologies and products based on the new fundamental Neutron Sciences – Neutron physics, Neutron chemistry, and Neutron astrophysics.